Friday, January 13, 2012

Can I get a do over on this blog?

So since I gave myself a do over on my web site, I thought I might give myself a do over on this blog.

I've ignored it for the past few months despite the fact that there has been plenty of projects that I've been juggling that have been worth writing about. As I try to point more traffic to my web site, both to promote my work as a film maker - as a writer, director, and editor - and to promote the work of others I know and admire or who I have collaborated with, I will try to do a better job at updating this space.

This may be falling on deaf ears right now, but maybe you, dear reader, will discover this post midway through a series of other posts and be able to identify it as the point when the blog got a little more serious and in the words of mid 90s MTV, got a little more real.

In any case, do expect design changes (or not) as I try to settle on a 'look' and a voice for whatever it is this space will be used for.

Speaking of which, I've had it in the back of my mind that somewhere down the line - if time permits and if I feel so inclined - this space may be used for more than just my narcissistic ramblings and updates on projects the eight or so of you might be interested in (self-depracating humor will be a featured player here, folks - get used to it!). Maybe I will expand this space to include interviews of a type I'm not finding elsewhere (vague on purpose) or my own film criticism (careful now - don't bit the hand that feeds you) or mad man writings just to keep me writing. I don't know yet and I don't want to under-sell or over-sell or sell anything at all (a ... Say Anything clip just came to mind!). I just want to put it out there that... I'm thinking about something along those lines.

Now enjoy that ...Say Anything clip to distract you from the atrociousl paragraph above:

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