Tuesday, February 16, 2016

SXSW 2016: SLASH Gets In + Panel News

Two big announcements for this year's SXSW Film Festival:

Last fall I jumped on to help out on Clay Liford's comedy Slash. Sharing editing duties with Bryan Poyser (who is better known as a director, but here's a secret - he's also a champ editor), Slash is a coming of age movie set in the world of erotic fan fiction, aka slash fiction. Not your typical backdrop for a teenage boy's sexual awakening... which will make it all the more satisfying to unveil to audiences next month.

Shot in Austin, Slash features a cast of up and coming stars and was made possible by a hard working, dedicated Austin crew. Clay created an original sci-fi super hero to base the slash fiction on, so after a successful Kickstarter campaign, costumes were designed & tailored while sets were constructed in the desert to help create a world within the world of the movie that helps sets the story in motion. Inspired by Harry Potter, Star Trek and who knows what else, Slash will be a fun time at the movies in March.

Click here for screening times!

I will also participate in a panel on March 12th titled "In The Cut: Editing a Movie Sample." I get to share the mic with such accomplished editors: Sandra Adair, Leah Marino, and panel organizer/moderator Kyle Henry. I'm inclined to sit back and learn as much from them as anyone else in the room.

Here's the panel description:

Editing is the final stage of a film's writing. How can editing be used to reevaluate/reshape what you’ve generated during production? Learn tips and strategies from editors who work across all forms and genres to tell engaging and emotionally moving stories. Featuring Emmy and Academy Award nominated editors of films that have screened at major festivals like Sundance, SXSW, Toronto, Berlin and Cannes. We will review samples from up to three works-in-progress (5 mins max length). Participants, please post samples to Vimeo and send links to moderator Kyle Henry at least 12 hrs before panel begins for selection via SXSocial.
Click here for panel info!